The Setup

"Connor, will you meet me at the airport with Mumma on Wednesday to pick up my friend 'Jim'?"


...time passes... we're at the airport...

...cell phone "rings"...

"Hi 'Jim'! What? What do you mean you can't make it? That's terrible! But we're here at the airport waiting for you! We came all the way down to the airport for nothing? Geez. Well, see you later." <hangs up> "Connor, you're not going to believe this but we came all the way to the airport just to watch the planes take off! Isn't that awful? Hey, where does that plane right there go? Los Angeles? What's in Los Angeles? Disneyland? You don't say... Hey, wouldn't it be neat if we could just jump on the plane and... Oh, never mind. Mumma and I have to go to work tomorrow. It was a crazy idea. What? You think we should call our bosses? OK, hold on..." By now Connor's clinging to the ceiling with excitement. He came down three days later...

Result: Disneyland

tigger.JPG (205197 bytes) Breakfast with Tigger...

blastOff.JPG (214198 bytes) Rocket Man

goingUp.JPG (212569 bytes) Hey, no pregnant mothers on the roller coaster!

itsASmallRide.JPG (92179 bytes) A small world. Always a thrill!

checkingOnBro.JPG (167293 bytes) You doing okay in there, bro?

tailgater.JPG (190469 bytes) I really didn't like this ride at all.

splashMtSecondTime.JPG (224739 bytes) ...had no fun at Splash Mountain, either. Either time. Or was it three? Hmm...

madman!.JPG (154721 bytes) What do you mean I'm wired?

fireworksDelayed.JPG (146889 bytes) A tree fell on some people and the fireworks were delayed an hour and a half. Thank goodness for soft Mummas.